Many of the charitable functions once carried out by the Les Hommes Civic & Social Club have been transferred to the newly formed (and tax exempt, 501c3 organization) Les Hommes Education Foundation. By clicking on their link (located just to the right of the following text) you will be taken to the website of the Les Hommes Education Foundation, Inc. The Foundation link explains much of the charitable work that they now perform. However, several civic obligations have not been relinquished by the Civic & Social Club. Several of the functions that have been retained are highlighted below.
- Club members volunteer their time several times during the school year to work with the Food Bank of the Virginia Peninsula “Back Pack Program.”
- The Club hosts a Children’s Christmas Party annually. On December 19, 2014, there where over 100 children from ages 5 to 11 years old who attended the party. They gave the Les Hommes Club a BIG Thank You. See photos below.
- Also in November, the Les Hommes Club hosts a Veterans Day program to honor our veterans and to share information on Veterans Programs.